drone stock drawing
Drawings for the pipemaking book

Here are the drawings for the Northumbrian Small pipes. The entries below are marked with the creation date and if they have been checked or not. As I check and update the drawings I will add the issue date to the entry.
All of the drawings are now available in PDF format and are at least full size (some of the smaller items are drawn at twice full size). Most of the drawings are A4 size and should be actual size when printed, thus allowing the undimentioned elements to be scaled from the drawing. The chanter drawings are A3 size and I would suggest that you get them printed at one of the many print shops around the country.
All of the drawings have the major dimensions added. Dimensions in brackets () are intended for reference only.
The CAD package that I use creates the drawings using "century Gothic" true type font. If you get an error message that you don't have that font on your PC you can down load it here and place it in c:\windows\fonts on your machine.

Standard "F" DrawingsConcert G Drawings

Concert Pitch "D" Chanter

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© Mike Nelson. All rights reserved.

This manual has been put together by Mike Nelson for his own amusement :)

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This site is created and maintained by Mike Nelson for his own pleasure

© 1997 Mike Nelson